Authorization requests on civil certificates – children’s counsel

When submitting your additional hours request under tariff 15.02 (civil additional hours), please include the following information:

  • How many children are involved?
  • How many meetings with the children have there been and over what time period? How many court appearances have there been, and what was the result?
  • How many third parties have been interviewed (ex. school principal, counsellor)?
  • How many reports/letters have been prepared for the court?
  • Have you conducted any settlement meetings? How many and with what result?
  • Who is driving the litigation?
  • How much direct contact have you had with the parties? For example, have there been excessive emails or phone calls?
  • Is the file in Case Management?
  • Are one or both of the parties self-represented?
  • Is there or will there be a Voice of the Child Report? What were the recommendations? What is still preventing the parties from reaching an agreement?

Additional information:

In determining how many further hours you require, please ensure that you deduct from the total hours incurred on the file the hours that fall under other tariff items.

Requests that do not contain sufficient information to justify the additional hours will not be approved. You will be asked to resubmit the request with more information.

Additional hours are not guaranteed on any certificate. Please attach time records to your request.

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