Authorization requests on civil certificates – child welfare
When submitting your additional hours request under tariff 15.02 (civil additional hours), please include the following information:
- How many children are involved?
- How many parties are involved? How many lawyers are involved?
- How many docket court appearances have there been, and what happened at each appearance? If matter was adjourned explain why
- How many JDR’s or Pre-Trial Conferences have there been?
- Have there been any 4-way meetings with the Director? What are the obstacles to resolution?
- Have there been any access issues? Please describe.
- Is the client engaged in the process? What steps has the client taken to address the child protection concerns raised by CFS. Please explain.
- Is the client being reasonable in addressing child protection concerns? Please explain.
- Does the client have a lengthy history with CFS? Briefly describe
- How much disclosure is there? Has it already been reviewed once?
- Has an assessment by CFS been done? What are the recommendations? What do you feel you need to challenge and why?
- Have trial dates been set? How many days?
- How many witnesses do you intend to call, and how many expert witnesses will there be?
Additional information: In determining how many further hours you require, please ensure that you deduct from the total hours incurred on the file the hours that fall under other tariff items.
Requests that do not contain sufficient information to justify the additional hours will not be approved. You will be asked to resubmit the request with more information.
Additional hours are not guaranteed on any certificate. Please attach time records to your request.