Family Violence Matters

Find out if you are eligible.

Do you need help dealing with family violence?

If you are in immediate danger, go to the police or dial 9-1-1.

Family violence can be:
  • harm to a family member
  • damage to property
  • threats to hurt a family member or damage property
  • not allowing a family member to leave or go somewhere
  • sexual abuse
  • stalking

Family members include people who:

  • are or were married to you
  • live or lived with you in an intimate relationship
  • you share one or more children with
  • are your parents or children
  • are related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption
We can help you get an Emergency Protection Order to keep a violent family member from contacting you or coming near you and your children. This is a free service.

If you or your family are experiencing family violence and need protection, call the Emergency Protection Order program in the following locations:

Edmonton area: 1-780-422-9222

Calgary area: 1-403-297-5260

If you live outside of these areas, call the police at any time or visit your nearest courthouse during business hours.

Watch the recording and browse FAQs from our online information session about how an emergency protection order can keep someone safe from an abuser.

Find out if you are eligible.

Find out how we can help you.