Need to reach duty counsel? The Duty Counsel email is your trusted go-to.

There are a lot of ways to get in touch with in-court duty counsel, but only one of them is absolutely reliable.


If requesting an agency request or getting in touch with duty counsel for any reason, it’s important to only use this email address: [email protected]


The reason for this is that things can change very quickly. The person we thought might be duty counsel in a given courtroom might be ill, deployed to another courtroom, or otherwise unavailable. Using your best guess as to who is “supposed to be” in a courtroom can potentially lead to your request not getting to the person who can help you.


The Legal Aid Alberta team that monitors this address will have the most accurate and current information and will be able to forward requests to duty counsel, provided that requests are sent in a timely manner.  Through this address, you can send agency requests and provide useful information on a file, such as information that is helpful for crafting a bail plan.


So remember, for all duty counsel requests, be sure to use [email protected] .


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