Ministry-led consultation on legal aid

This week, Ministry of Justice shared its plans for a legal aid consultation involving key justice system partners, including Legal Aid Alberta (LAA). 


As you know from the new Governance Agreement (GA), this was agreed upon to be completed by March 2025 (Appendix 3). The three parties preferred this timing as it formalizes the Government of Alberta’s commitment to work with and consult with us on future decisions concerning legal aid, in alignment with the legal needs of vulnerable Albertans.


As outlined in the GA, the consultation will involve gathering input from LAA, the Law Society of Alberta and partners in the justice system to inform future decisions about legal aid services. While LAA is not leading this process, we commit to keeping you informed.


Legal Aid Alberta is committed to working co-operatively with the provincial government to ensure the sustainable future of an independent legal aid in Alberta. We expect that any decisions on future service delivery will be evidence-based and clearly communicated as soon as possible.


We understand that not everyone is familiar with the complexities of our organization. We are providing the Ministry with detailed materials, which we will also be sharing with you in the coming days.  


Thank you for your continued dedication to LAA and Albertans.


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