Changes to LAA’s Financial Eligibility Guidelines

On Monday, April 1, Legal Aid Alberta’s Financial Eligibility Guidelines will be increasing. The primary impact for roster lawyers is that more Albertans will be eligible for legal aid funding, resulting in a larger pool of certificates in the long run. Over the next few weeks, however, the more immediate impact is likely to be an increase in the number of questions you receive from current and prospective clients. 

To equip you to respond to their inquiries, here are the answers to some of the questions that Legal Aid Alberta has been receiving.

What is the new income threshold in the guidelines?

For a single-person household, the income threshold is now a netannual income of $25,346. While this amount was calculated based on a gross annual income of $30,000, Legal Aid Alberta will continue to base its eligibility decisions on net income. Specific thresholds for larger households will be available on our website on April 1. 

Can a person who was previously assessed, but did not qualify due to their income, reapply?

Yes. They must reapply after April 1, 2024, as our current guidelines continue to apply until then. 

Have there been any changes to the services eligible for legal aid?

No. The same criminal, family and immigration matters that are currently eligible will continue to be eligible under the new guidelines, and no new areas of law have been added. 

Where can clients go to find more information?

Please direct clients to our website for more information on the new guidelines. In addition, the recording of a webinar (“Legal Aid for Working Albertans: What You Need to Know”) can also be accessed online. The webinar panelists discussed the legal aid process from beginning to end, including eligibility, applying for legal aid, and the vital role of the Legal Aid Alberta roster. 

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