Civil law billing guidelines
The LAA Tariff establishes guidelines for preparing documents and billing for legal services. We expect the time you bill to follow our guidelines as indicated in the LAA Tariff.
Guidelines for preparing documents and billing
Counsel may deviate from these guidelines but may be asked to provide an explanation:
a. basic correspondence, including email, 0.10 or 0.20 hours per item;
b. review of correspondence received, including email, 0.10 hours per item;
c. Notice to Disclose/Notice of Motion, 0.30 hours per Notice;
d. Notice of Motion for a Regular Chambers Application, 0.30 to 0.50 hours per Notice;
e. Statement of Claim, 0.50 hours;
f. Request for Divorce, 0.30 hours; or
g. Order, 0.50 to 1.00 hours per Order.
Counsel may not bill for the following, as it is anticipated that these steps are adequately compensated by the file opening and closing fees:
a. preparing memos to place on a file;
b. telephone conversations, correspondence or other steps taken to schedule appointments with client;
c. providing office staff with instructions;
d. sending copies of letters to client or anyone else;
e. communication with Legal Aid Alberta via email, correspondence or telephone; and
f. preparing accounts.
In addition, Counsel should not bill time for:
a. an assistant’s time
b. time doing clerical tasks such as sending a fax, or preparing pleadings binders
c. Filing documents at the courthouse (Fees charged by a court is an ordinary disbursement)
d. Meetings with other lawyers in the same firm to get instructions/direction
e. Time entries for two different lawyers doing the same task.
f. voicemails
We will also need an explanation for any affidavits that require more than 2 hours to prepare.
Counsel should review time records and adjust them to reflect these guidelines. If more hours are still required, a new request attaching the adjusted time records may be submitted. Alternatively, please provide an explanation for all entries that deviate from the guidelines.