Introduction to billing and payments
Final accounts
Final accounts can be submitted when matters are concluded and result in the end of coverage on a certificate.
Subsequent accounts
Subsequent accounts can be submitted when Legal Aid Alberta authorizes Counsel to bill for further steps or disbursements following the conclusion of a certificate.
Certificates inclusions
All approved extensions, amendments, extra tariff items and special disbursements.
Dates where services are provided
Dates where services are provided must be provided for all Court appearances, hearings and examinations, including whether proceedings were held in the morning or afternoon.
Final account submissions
Final accounts must be submitted to Legal Aid Alberta no later than six months following the last step taken to complete a certificate. The final bill must include the outcome of the case, the date upon which certificate services were completed and any other materials required by Legal Aid Alberta. Legal Aid Alberta has no liability for the payment of an account rendered more than six months after the completion of services covered by the certificate.
Time records
Time records must be kept for all steps that are billable on an hourly basis and must reflect the actual time spent by Counsel. The time records must be produced upon request of Legal Aid Alberta.
Counsel may be asked to produce receipts or other proof of disbursements billed on accounts. If such documentation is not made available to Counsel upon Legal Aid Alberta’s request, Legal Aid Alberta may not reimburse Counsel for the associated expenses.
GST is paid on all fees and applicable disbursements. The GST amount is to be separated out of the actual disbursement cost on accounts. LAA requires written notification where Counsel is GST exempt.
Legal Aid Alberta may choose to audit Counsel’s accounts at the time of processing or subsequent to payment. Counsel must provide to Legal Aid Alberta any additional detail requested about any items billed on an account, including time records, receipts, explanation of steps taken, or any other information Legal Aid Alberta determines is relevant to a review of the account. Payment of an account is contingent on Counsel providing the requested information and adjustments can be made subsequent to payment if appropriate. Audits will be conducted on a random basis but may also be undertaken in the event Legal Aid Alberta has concerns about a particular certificate or Counsel’s billings.
Payment on a certificate
Payment for an account submitted pursuant to a certificate will be paid directly to the lawyer named on the certificate. If Counsel wishes to have payment made to anyone else, Counsel must provide those instructions in writing.
Correcting errors and omissions
After the processing of an account, Counsel has 45 days to correct any errors or omissions.