Support Services

Support Services

Alberta 2-1-1

Call 2-1-1 or visit 2-1-1 online for information and referrals to more than 120 social benefits and services for seniors, work or training, income support, disabilities, bullying, family violence, homelessness, child care subsidy, and more.

Note: Alberta 2-1-1 does not provide legal advice or legal consultation. Check the legal clinics below for legal support resources.

Resolution Services

The Alberta Family Resolution Hub is an online digital tool designed to give you relevant family law information and guide you to appropriate resources to help you resolve your family dispute. The Hub is for anyone wanting to learn more about options to resolve their family disputes, especially people who don’t have lawyers.

The Hub can give you information about filing for a divorce, parenting, guardianship, contact, child support and spousal support. There is also information about family-related protection or restraining orders. You will get information about court processes in both the Alberta Court of Justice and the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta. This includes information about the new pre-court mandatory requirements under the Alberta Family Justice Strategy.

Tenancy and Landlord Disputes

Employment and Training Agencies

Help for Refugee Claimants

The Refugee Claimant Information Pamphlet from the Government of Canada provides asylum claimants with important information about applying for refugee protection in Canada, resources available and helpful links. The pamphlet is available in English, French and nine other languages.

My Refugee Claim provides an accessible step-by-step walkthrough of the refugee claim process. There is also a helpful glossary to help claimants understand the important words and terms they will hear during the process. The site is available in English and French.

Law Society of Alberta

With the Legal Aid Alberta’s Lawyer Directory, you can find and choose a preferred lawyer. The directory lists lawyers on Legal Aid Alberta’s roster.


For a full list of lawyers practicing in Alberta, visit the Law Society of Alberta.

Legal Aid Quick Links

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