More Albertans are eligible for legal aid under new guidelines

More Albertans are eligible for legal representation from Legal Aid Alberta, thanks to new financial guidelines that are now in effect.


As of April 1, individuals earning a net annual income of $25,346 (approximately $30,000 gross) may qualify for legal representation in eligible criminal, family and immigration cases.


The income amounts for larger households – families with between two and six or more people – will also increase proportionally.


Legal rights are democratic rights


Legal trouble doesn’t discriminate, and the demand for legal aid assistance never stops. Legal Aid Alberta currently represents more than 35,000 Albertans with 64,000 files across 75 communities. Legal Aid Alberta also provides the province’s Emergency Protection Order, Justice of the Peace Bail and Duty Counsel programs which are accessible to all Albertans regardless of income.

Since 1973, Legal Aid Alberta has played an essential role in the justice system, protecting the rule of law for the benefit of everyone.




Legal Aid Alberta Fast Facts 


  • 35,000 clients
  • 1,200 roster lawyers
  • 300 staff
  • 75 communities served
  • 50 years helping Albertans

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