Lawyer Directory assists Legal Aid Alberta clients in finding help faster

A new Lawyer Directory is available on the Legal Aid Alberta website, making it easier for clients to find the lawyer of their choice.


Legal Aid Alberta’s new Lawyer Directory offers an online listing of Alberta lawyers who take legal aid cases and have chosen to be listed. The directory is searchable by name, courthouse location, area of law, and languages spoken.  


With this tool, Albertans applying for legal aid can now more easily find and request a specific lawyer on their application. Hundreds of qualified lawyers from across the province have opted to be listed. 


How it works

The Lawyer Directory is easy to find on the website by clicking “Find a Lawyer” in the main menu.


Applicants can visit the Lawyer Directory when they apply, using search filters to see a list of qualified available lawyers who meet their specific needs. When submitting their application, applicants can provide the names of one or more of their preferred lawyers.  


This streamlined process significantly reduces back-and-forth contact with applicants, alleviating the stress of finding a lawyer who accepts legal aid cases and speeding up the process of matching clients to their preferred lawyer. 


Better access to preferred counsel no matter where you are

The Lawyer Directory, complemented by expanded travel guidelines for Legal Aid Alberta roster lawyers, is transforming how clients find and choose a legal aid lawyer.


Legal Aid Alberta now provides lawyers with travel compensation on all levels of certificates when their client has preferred counsel.


Expanded travel ensures clients have equitable access to legal representation, especially in rural areas. This change broadens options and ensures clients can work with their preferred lawyer regardless of location or legal issues.


The Lawyer Directory and expanded travel guidelines are part of Legal Aid Alberta’s Client Access and Service Enhancements (CASE), an ongoing commitment to improve the client experience and access to legal aid services.


Visit the Lawyer Directory

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