LAA employee walking through the halls at the Legal Aid Alberta office

Legal Aid Alberta Financial Eligibility Guidelines will increase on April 1

Edmonton, AB — Starting April 1, more Albertans will be eligible for legal representation from Legal Aid Alberta.

Today, the Alberta Ministry of Justice announced the Financial Eligibility Guidelines to qualify for a Legal Aid Alberta lawyer will increase effective April 1, 2024.

Individuals applying for legal aid representation who earn up to $30,000 gross income may qualify for legal representation in eligible criminal, family and immigration cases. This is an increase from the previous cap of $24,456.

The income amounts for larger households – families with between two and six or more people – will also increase proportionally.

The change means more Albertans will be eligible for legal aid representation.

“For 50 years, Legal Aid Alberta has helped resolve legal problems for Albertans. Increasing access to our services means more Albertans will be able to get the help they need to deal with the complexities of the legal system. It is an important step for improving access to justice for Albertans living paycheque to paycheque,” said Legal Aid Alberta President and CEO Gianpaolo (John) Panusa.


Access to legal aid support can be life-changing for Albertans facing a distressing combination of legal and financial hardship.  A single mother working part-time, desperate to escape a controlling relationship but who doesn’t have the means for legal help. A young adult with no family support, struggling to make ends meet, accused of a crime.

Legal rights are democratic rights


Legal trouble doesn’t discriminate, and the demand for legal aid assistance never stops. Legal Aid Alberta currently represents more than 35,000 Albertans with 64,000 files across 75 communities. Legal Aid Alberta also provides the province’s Emergency Protection Order, Justice of the Peace Bail and Duty Counsel programs which are accessible to all Albertans regardless of income.

Since 1973, Legal Aid Alberta has played an essential role in the justice system, protecting the rule of law for the benefit of everyone. According to a recent public survey, 80 per cent of Albertans consider Legal Aid Alberta to be an important service, vital to the province. Albertans value their rights and freedoms and recognize the role of Legal Aid Alberta in standing up for those rights when they are in jeopardy.

As a registered society incorporated under the Provincial Societies Act, Legal Aid Alberta is an organization independent from the government but is accountable to the Minister of Justice and to the Law Society Alberta.

Legal Aid Alberta Fast Facts  

  • 35,000 clients
  • 64,000 active files
  • 1,200 roster lawyers
  • 300 staff
  • 75 communities served
  • 50 years helping Albertans




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