Celebrate International Women’s Day 2022

#BreakTheBias is this year’s theme for International Women’s Day.


March 8 is International Women’s Day. At Legal Aid Alberta, we’re celebrating the incredible contributions and leadership of women in the legal profession. We recognize that we are all responsible for breaking the bias in our personal and professional communities in favour of inclusive and equitable environments.

Below is a selection of news stories and recorded webinars that highlight the contributions LAA women are making toward fairness in the justice system.

Putting Families First


Champions for a Therapeutic Approach to Justice

  • Millions of Canadians struggle with addiction. In her role as an LAA staff duty counsel in the Edmonton Drug Treatment Court, Sonia Haer is helping Albertans break the cycle of addiction and crime.
  • Amna Qureshi, experienced and dedicated LAA staff duty counsel lawyer appeared on Ask a Lawyer to discuss mental health and its relation to the law.

Helping People Start Again


Support for Indigenous Albertans

  • Jessica Buffalo appeared on Ask a Lawyer to share her expertise on Indigenous Courts and significance of restorative justice.

A Voice for Alberta Youth

  • LAA staff duty counsel lawyer Karen McGowan appeared on Ask a Lawyer to share her experience working with youth in trouble with the law.

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