LAA courthouse intake services to temporarily close

To help contain the spread of COVID-19,  all LAA intake services at the Edmonton and Calgary courthouses will be closed effective Monday, March 16, 2020.



Based on publicly available information, Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) is implementing proactive measures to protect employees and clients and limit their risk of exposure to COVID-19.


To help contain the spread of COVID-19,  all LAA intake services at the Edmonton and Calgary courthouses will be closed effective Monday, March 16, 2020. Until further notice, all applications for LAA services must be completed by phone.


Currently, our Client Contact Centre remains open and is accepting applications as normal. All Albertans who wish to apply for LAA services should be directed to contact LAA by phone to apply at 1-866-845-3425. Our phone lines are open Monday – Friday from 8:15 am to 4:15 pm.


In addition to closing intake services at the courthouses, public access to all LAA office locations will be also be prohibited effective March 16, 2020. We ask any clients with existing appointments to contact their lawyer as soon as possible to make alternate arrangements.


We are working diligently to ensure we can adapt to the ever-changing situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure continuity of our critical services. In the coming days and weeks, we will be working closely with our justice system partners to ensure we can continue to serve Albertans and support fairness in the justice system.

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