In The News Archive


As Pride Season begins, Chuck Easton discusses legal rights and protections with CBC
Legal Aid Alberta family lawyer Chuck Easton appeared on the Wise Counsel segment of CBC radio’s Edmonton AM morning show on June 12 to discuss legal rights and protections for members of the LGBTQ2S+ community.
CBC Edmonton | June 13, 2024


Ask a Lawyer: Supporting clients at Indigenous Courts
Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyer Jay Gill appeared on Global News to explain what Indigenous courts are, why they’re important and how they work.
Global Edmonton | June 4, 2024


Ask A Lawyer: Ensuring fair treatment in court for people with mental health issues
Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyer Justin Hjelsvold speaks with Global News anchor Vinesh Pratap about what happens when people with mental health issues come into contact with the courts, and how a unique Mental Health Court is making a difference.
Global Edmonton | May 7, 2024


Ask a Lawyer: Representing children in high-conflict divorce cases
LAA staff lawyer Elizabeth Turner speaks with Global News Edmonton about her experience representing children in Alberta who are caught in the middle of high conflict family breakups.
Global Edmonton | February 7, 2024


Ask a Lawyer: Family violence prevention
Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyers Jessica Chapman and Ruth Williams join Global News Morning Edmonton to shed light on family violence, the overlaps for those in immigration matters and the supports available.
Global Edmonton | November 10, 2023


Ask a Lawyer: National Duty Counsel Day
Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyer Sean Smith sheds light on the vital role duty counsel lawyers play in Canada’s justice system and why it’s important for Canadians to know their rights and how to exercise them.
Global Edmonton | October 3, 2023


Ask a Lawyer: Canadian Justice System v. American TV Legal Dramas
Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyer Cameron Mitchell joined Global News Morning Edmonton to shed light on common misconceptions about Canada’s justice system, the stark differences between the U.S. and Canada, especially as it compares to what we see in American movies, TV shows and read in the American news outlets.
Global Edmonton | September 6, 2023


Ask a Lawyer: Upholding the rule of law for major cases
Legal Aid Alberta Advisory Counsel Katie Clarey joined Global News Morning Edmonton’s Ask a Lawyer to shed light on LAA’s specialized Major Cases Panel, a group of 100 roster lawyers who not only hold expertise in serious legal matters, but have worked with vulnerable communities, including Indigenous communities.
Global Edmonton | August 1, 2023


Ask a Lawyer: Legal challenges when summer co-parenting
Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyer Sunaina Kakkar joined Global News Morning Edmonton to talk about the challenges co-parents face during the summer and how overseas travel works when parents are in conflict.
Global Edmonton | July 4, 2023


Ask a Lawyer: Mental health court and a collaborative appoach to justice
Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyer Andrew Holko joined Global News Morning Edmonton’s Ask a Lawyer to talk about the court’s role in the community, LAA’s involvement in the process and how participants in the system can get the help they need.
Global Edmonton | May 2, 2023


Emergency protection order applications in response to family violence continue to rise in Alberta
The number of requests for emergency protection orders (EPO) for those facing family violence have spiked 17 per cent since 2018, says Legal Aid Alberta.
Calgary Herald | June 15, 2022


Domestic abuse and family violence on the rise in Alberta, organization says
Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) says the number of emergency protection orders (EPO) filed by the agency has risen 17 per cent since 2018. An EPO is a court order that can protect people facing violence by keeping away an abuser and removing them from the home.
CTV News Edmonton | June 15, 2022


Increase in requests for emergency protection orders in Alberta
Legal Aid Alberta is seeing an increase in requests for emergency protection orders in the province, as family violence continues to rise.
CityNews Edmonton | June 15, 2022


CTV NEWS VIDEO: Indigenous inmate number rising
The proportion of Indigenous inmates at federal prisons is rising across Canada, and nowhere more than in Edmonton. Carlyle Fiset reports and interviews LAA’s Stephen Shirt.
CTV News Edmonton at 6 | May 27, 2022


Percentage of Indigenous inmates in Edmonton hitting new highs
LAA’s Stephen Shirt, Indigenous courthouse navigator & assessment officer was interviewed by CTV Edmonton about the high and continuously increasing rates of Indigenous peoples in the Alberta prison system.
CTV News Edmonton | May 27, 2022


LAA’s Paul Welke discusses upcoming tariff review
Tariff and Roster Relations Lead Paul Welke talks to Global News Edmonton about the upcoming LAA tariff review. (Timestamp 13:20)
Global News Edmonton | May 12, 2022


TORONTO STAR: Legal Aid hits bail hearing milestone
Since the program’s inception Alberta Legal Aid has handled more than 95 per cent of the bail hearings in the province.
Toronto Star | May 12, 2022


Legal Aid hits bail hearing milestone
This week Alberta Legal Aid announced it had held 120,000 bail hearings for Albertans in custody since 2018, which is when the Alberta bail system saw substantial changes.
St. Albert Today | May 6, 2022


Legal Aid Alberta lawyers playing crucial bail hearing role
Legal Aid Alberta lawyers are celebrating a four-year-old initiative that has seen more than 120,000 bail hearings completed.
Red Deer Advocate | May 6, 2022


Crisis in Ukraine underscores the importance of standing for human rights and calling out abuse of power
LAA Immigration and Refugee lawyer Ruth Williams discusses paths to safety for people fleeing the war in Ukraine and other war zones around the world.
Global Morning News Edmonton | April 5, 2022


Managing exceptional cases with LAA’s Criminal Trial Group
Legal Aid Alberta’s Criminal Trial Group takes a holistic approach to complex client cases. LAA lawyer Inayat Jetha talks about how the CTG helps bring order to clients’ lives and enables them to better focus on their legal issues.
Global Morning News Edmonton | March 1, 2022


Child custody battles often erupt around the holidays
With Family Day right around the corner on Monday, Elizabeth Turner, a Legal Aid Alberta family lawyer based in Edmonton, said it’s around those family holidays that they see more child custody disputes.
Lethbridge Herald / Medicine Hat News | February 22, 2022


Family vaccine legal disputes loom amid COVID-19 court disruptions: lawyer
A family court system bogged down by pandemic disruptions will likely soon be dealing with parental disputes over vaccinating children against COVID-19, says a Legal Aid Alberta lawyer.
Calgary Herald | February 18, 2022


Long weekends often bring increase in child custody disputes
While the family day weekend is a time to connect with those closest to us, Legal Aid Alberta shares the difficult journey it is for those tied up in family court disputes.
City News | February 18, 2022


Courts and COVID-19: What Albertans need to know
As the pandemic threatens to push our health care system to the brink, other essential sectors are also being stretched beyond their normal limits – including the justice system. Legal Aid Alberta lawyer Paul Welke points out that LAA has been continuing to innovate and serve vulnerable and disadvantaged Albertans.
Global Morning News Edmonton | February 1, 2022


Legal Aid Alberta lawyer praises success of special ‘drug courts’ to help addicted get back on track
Alberta’s Drug Treatment Courts are an effective way of changing lives by breaking the cycle of crime and addiction, says Legal Aid Alberta staff duty counsel lawyer Sonia Haer. Alberta has opened four new Drug Treatment Courts in the past year.
Canadian Lawyer | January 7, 2022


Legal Aid Alberta lawyer explains how Drug Treatment Court works
Millions of people struggle with addictions – it crosses all boundaries. Innovative Drug Treatment Courts are changing lives and helping break the cycle of addiction and crime, say LAA staff duty counsel Sonia Haer.
Global News Edmonton | January 4, 2022


Drug Treatment Court helps break the cycle of criminality
Going through Drug Treatment Court is “harder than going to jail,” says LAA staff duty counsel Brett Carlson, who represents clients at the court. “You have to fundamentally change yourself.”
Lethbridge Herald | December 31, 2021


Co-parenting during the holidays: Q & A with Legal Aid Alberta family lawyer
LAA staff family lawyer Jessica Chapman offers insights into holiday planning for families with shared custody of children.
Edmonton Journal | December 18, 2021


Shared custody needs to put children’s safety first
Co-parenting is challenging at the best of times, and during the pandemic an extra level of complexity arises. LAA family lawyer Jessica Chapman offers insights on planning for safe holiday visits.
Medicine Hat News | December 16, 2021


Alberta man says Drug Treatment Court pulled him out of life of addiction and crime
A “graduate” of the Drug Treatment Court in Calgary recounts his journey to addiction and back. Legal Aid Alberta staff duty counsel Brett Carlson, who represents clients in the Lethbridge Drug Treatment Court, says the program is helping break the cycle of crime and addiction.
CBC Calgary | December 11, 2021


Lethbridge’s drug treatment court celebrates one year of success stories
LAA Staff Lawyer Brett Carlson explains that the program accepts people whose non-violent criminal acts are intertwined with addiction and who would face at least one year in jail if convicted.
Lethbridge News Now | November 26, 2021


Grande Prairie’s Drug Treatment Court now in operation
Sonya Haer, a Lawyer and Drug Treatment Duty Counsel for Legal Aid Alberta says these courts are critical for helping the crisis in the Swan City.
Everything GP | November 26, 2021


Red Deer now has a drug treatment court
Red Deer duty counsel Murray Shack has helped guide people through the justice system for 13 years and fully supports what drug courts aim to achieve.
Red Deer Advocate | November 26, 2021


It’s about time we celebrate Alberta’s invaluable duty counsel lawyers
Legal Aid Alberta President and CEO John Panusa explains how Legal Aid Alberta has continued providing services throughout the pandemic.
Calgary Herald | October 26, 2021


Grace Auger is among the eight new judges recently appointed in Alberta
Alberta Minister of Justice and Solicitor General, Kaycee Madu, has appointed eight new judges to the Alberta Provincial Court of Canada. That is the largest number of judges to be appointed at once in at least the last two decades. One of the new judges is Grace Auger, a member of the Bigstone Cree Nation in Treaty 8 Territory.
Toronto Star | July 21, 2021


The Indigenous Bar Association Celebrates the Appointment of Grace Auger to the Alberta Provincial Court
Please join the Indigenous Bar Association in Canada (the “IBA”) in congratulating Judge Grace Auger on her recent appointment to the Alberta Provincial Court. — Canada’s premier Aboriginal newswire, employment, event and tender service | July 16, 2021


Indigenous courts and restorative justice
Legal Aid Alberta lawyer Jessica Buffalo talks about why Indigenous Courts are needed and what restorative justice is, in advance of LAA’s free public webinar on the topic.
Real Talk with Ryan Jespersen | June 21, 2021


Ask A Lawyer: How Alberta’s Indigenous Court aims to help increase trust, embrace culture
Legal Aid Alberta lawyer Jessica Buffalo explains the need for and impact of Indigenous Courts
Global Morning News Edmonton | June 1, 2021


Legal Aid continues to provide services
Locked down or not, Legal Aid Alberta is continuing to serve on the front lines of the justice system throughout the pandemic.
Nanton News | May 21, 2021


Legal Aid continuing to provide services
While the court system has been impacted by COVID-19 with many cases being delayed, and those accused of crimes being released rather than remanded, Legal Aid Alberta is continuing to provide frontline legal services.
Hanna Herald | May 21, 2021


Ask A Lawyer: Mental health and the law
Legal Aid Alberta lawyer Amna Qureshi appears on the May 4, 2021 episode of the “Ask a Lawyer” segment of the Global Morning Show in Edmonton. Qureshi explains the workings of Edmonton’s Mental Health Court, a therapeutic court that helps individuals in conflict with the law who are also facing mental health issues and challenges associated with them.
Global Morning News Edmonton | May 4, 2021


Ask A Lawyer: Immigration and refugee claims in the pandemic
Legal Aid Alberta immigration law expert Ruth Williams discusses the challenges and changes affecting refugee claimants and immigration applicants during the pandemic.
Global News Edmonton | April 6, 2021


Changes at Legal Aid Alberta allows sexual assault complainants faster access to lawyers
Crown can now deal directly with non-profit group to arrange legal counsel without court orders.
Canadian Lawyer Magazine | February 4, 2021


Rule change connects Alberta sexual assault complainants to lawyers faster
Prosecutors can now deal directly with Legal Aid Alberta to arrange legal counsel, without court orders.
CBC Calgary | February 3, 2021


Legal Aid Alberta expands supports for sexual assault complainants
Sexual-assault complainants will have faster access to lawyers following an update to Alberta’s court system aimed at curbing “unnecessary” trial delays and ensuring fairness for victims, says Legal Aid Alberta.
Edmonton Journal | February 3, 2021


Legal Aid Alberta on co-parenting over the holidays
Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyers are urging Albertans who share parenting responsibilities but live separately to put their child’s safety first this holiday season. Legal Aid Alberta family lawyer Jessica Chapman joined Global News Morning to share some insight on what is best for the children.
Global Edmonton | December 23, 2020


Legal Aid advising parents to be cautious and creative with child custody visits
“This is the time to be creative,” said Jeff Keller, a staff lawyer with Legal Aid Alberta in a news release.
Calgary Herald | December 17, 2020


Lockdowns and their impacts on increased spousal abuse
Bernadette LaBrie, legal services manager with Legal Aid Alberta, says the number of people seeking Emergency Protection Orders from abusive family members has spiked.
Calgary Herald | November 24, 2020


Family violence workshop offered by lawyers
On Nov. 25 Legal Aid Alberta lawyers are looking to take a bite out of family violence by offering a public online event to talk to Albertans about their legal options when someone is in a dangerous domestic situation.
Daily Herald Tribune | November 23, 2020


Legal Aid Alberta adds more staff to deal with increase in family violence
To meet increased demand, Legal Aid Alberta has trained its students-at-law to help provide after-hours support for victims of family abuse. Lawyer Christina Riddoch was on the morning news to talk about what an emergency protection order is, and their upcoming online event that is free to the public.
Global Morning News Edmonton | November 20, 2020


Legal Aid is there to help victims of domestic violence
To mark Prevention Against Family Violence Month in November, Legal Aid Alberta is reminding those in need in the Lethbridge region there is help out there through the police and the court system.
Lethbridge Herald | November 3, 2020


More domestic violence victims seeking emergency protection orders during COVID-19
“COVID has provided so many challenges for so many individuals but we want people to know that you’re not alone,” said Legal Aid Senior Advisory Counsel Andrea Doyle.
Calgary Herald | November 3, 2020


Legal Aid finds new efficiencies in downtown space
The Calgary office of Legal Aid Alberta has made the move from two floors at Dominion Centre on 8th Street, S.W., where it has been located since 2001, to a more convenient space in the Fifth and Fifth tower, a whole floor that allows all departments to be on one level.
Calgary Herald | October 22, 2020


Mental health court showing success two years after its inception
Amna Qureshi, lead of the Legal Aid Alberta mental health court team, said the court has completed more than 8,000 cases in the past two years.
Edmonton Journal | October 8, 2020


Legal Aid extends AADC to the end of November
Pilot project to manage court backlogs deemed a success.
Athabasca Advocate | October 3, 2020


For Canada to truly recover economically, we need new thinking around access to justice
Legal Aid Alberta President and CEO John Panusa says the COVID-19 pandemic has forced governments to make tough policy decisions quickly, with multiheaded, Hydra-like consequences for citizens.
Globe and Mail | August 19, 2020


Legal Aid aims to clear court backlog with advanced appearances by phone
Legal Aid Alberta is offering to help Albertans prepare for court remotely, cutting the number of visits people have to make to the courthouse amid COVID-19.
Edmonton Journal | July 30, 2020


Legal Aid Alberta hosts virtual event to talk about teenage crime
LAA youth criminal law expert Karen McGowan talks about the youth criminal justice system and LAA’s upcoming “Teens and the law” virtual event.
CTV Calgary | February 21, 2020