Duty Counsel Day

Canadians benefit from outstanding social services. We’re all familiar with our public health care, but few know about our legal services.


We made a day to change that.


October 27 is Duty Counsel Day. Initiated by Canada’s legal aid associations, this is a day to create awareness of Duty Counsel—legal aid lawyers who give free, on-the-spot legal advice in family, criminal and immigration cases for people living in Canada.


National Duty Counsel Day website


Join us, and tell your fellow Canadians. The power to navigate the justice system is in your hands.


What is duty counsel?

Duty Counsel are legal aid lawyers who give free, on-the-spot legal advice in family, criminal and immigration cases for people living in Canada.

In Alberta, duty counsel lawyers are providing legal assistance and advice in some 75 communities.

  • On-call 24/7 from police stations
  • Representation at bail hearings
  • Adult and youth criminal cases
  • Family breakdown and family violence


Duty counsel services in Alberta

Did you know?

Duty Counsel Lawyers provide help to Canadians over 1.2 million times per year. Annual stats may vary.

Show your support

It’s easy to get involved in Duty Counsel Day.


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[email protected]

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