Advocacy Before the Immigration and Refugee Board: Year in Review

Mark your calendars! Legal Aid Alberta Immigration Team Lead Ruth Williams is hosting an online review of the training offered over the past year for practice before the Immigration and Refugee Board on Thursday, May 16. The focus will be on key advocacy concepts and tips, along with practice management.  


Key Takeaways: 

  • Mastering advocacy strategies: Gain valuable insights into effective advocacy strategies for various immigration matters. 
  • Solutions for complex issues and clients: Delve into common challenges encountered with immigration cases and clients. Discover practical strategies to overcome these obstacles. 
  • Streamline your workflow:  Acquire practical skills tailored to immigration practice, covering essential areas such as client interviews, file organization, and deadline management.  
  • Active Engagement for Confidence Building: Participate actively in discussions, pose questions, and share your perspective. By engaging with fellow participants, you’ll equip yourself with the knowledge needed to advocate effectively and confidently in immigration matters. 


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