Teens and the Law: What to do if bad behaviour turns criminal

Legal Aid Alberta is improving access to justice for rural youth and teaching parents about the criminal justice system . Communications and Public Relations February 19, 2021 Is it normal teen acting out or is it something far more? Legal Aid Alberta is helping its network of lawyers provide better legal service to young […]
Legal Aid Alberta adds new way of assisting sexual assault complainants in complex legal territory

New procedure will help reduce delays and provide Albertans with lawyers who can help protect their rights in sexual assault trials. Communications and Public Relations February 03, 2021 Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) is speeding up the ways they help vulnerable Albertans in sexual assault cases by providing legal support for all complainants whose sexual history, […]
Legal Aid Alberta hosts first ever public event in response to growing family violence during COVID-19

“Family violence should not be a private matter. Everyone in the community needs to be vigilant.” Incidents of family violence are on the rise during COVID-19 and as the pandemic worsens and winter hits, more people are at risk. On November 25, Legal Aid Alberta lawyers are hosting their first ever public online event to talk […]
Legal Aid Alberta sends extra assistance to help victims of domestic violence as applications for emergency protection orders rise

November is Family Violence Prevention Month. To meet increased demand for emergency protection orders (EPOs) since April, Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) trained its students-at-law to provide after-hours supports for victims of family violence, a first for the organization. This led to a recently assigned staff lawyer position to work after hours to help justices […]
Legal Aid Alberta announces extension of new initiative to help Albertans prepare for court remotely

Legal Aid Alberta is urging Albertans to call the Advance Appearance Duty Counsel program up to 14 days ahead of their first court appearance Legal Aid Alberta is urging Albertans to call the Advance Appearance Duty Counsel (AADC) program up to 14 days ahead of their first court appearance. AADC is a new […]
Albertans can remotely prepare for court thanks to new Legal Aid Alberta initiative

LAA duty counsel team steps in this summer to help provide critical services to rural and urban communities during COVID-19. Whether they’re in Edmonton, Calgary, Fort McMurray or Drumheller, Albertans have access to Advance Appearance Duty Counsel from now until August 28, allowing them to prepare for court by phone or e-mail instead of […]
LAA staff lawyer honoured with Queen’s Counsel designation

On March 4, 2020, Legal Aid Alberta Queen’s Bench Duty Counsel lawyer Christine Le Quéré was appointed as a Queen’s Counsel for the province of Alberta. On March 4, 2020, Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) Queen’s Bench Duty Counsel lawyer Christine Le Quéré was appointed as a Queen’s Counsel (Q.C.) for the province of […]