Student placement program offers hands-on experience to legal education

Law student Casey Caines shares her experience in the student placement program with Legal Aid Alberta    At the beginning of her legal career, Casey Caines was unsure of what area of law she wanted to practice in—but a placement at Legal Aid Alberta led her one step closer to her answer.   “I wouldn’t […]

LAA President, Board Chair each awarded Queen’s Counsel designation

Awards recognize exceptional merit and exemplary service in the Canadian justice system    Members of the Legal Aid Alberta community have been awarded the prestigious Queen’s Counsel designation. The QC designation is a centuries-old tradition originating in England in 1603.   In Alberta, the title is conferred on lawyers by the Minister of Justice and […]

Ask a Lawyer: Refugee options for those fleeing war in Ukraine and elsewhere

Williams appeared on Ask a Lawyer to share Legal Aid Alberta’s involvement in supporting individuals with immigration and refugee claims, and other ways Canadians can provide aid to those seeking refuge.    As the world continues to watch the devastating crisis in Ukraine, the Government of Canada has announced additional supports for those seeking refuge with […]

Your questions about bail, answered

Albertans are innocent until proven guilty. But upon arrest, and prior to having their day in court, they are at a distinct disadvantage.    What does it mean to be ‘out on bail’?     We hear it all the time in movies, but most Albertans are unsure of their rights and how to exercise them […]

Ask a Lawyer: Holistic approaches to legal problem-solving

Legal Aid Alberta’s Criminal Trial Group recently marked its first year in operations with an appearance on Ask A Lawyer to share insights on how holistic approaches to lawyering can benefit client-lawyer relationships. Legal services manager and lawyer, Inayat Jetha goes into detail on how the Criminal Trial Group assists Alberta’s most disadvantaged populations, particularly those […]

Celebrate International Women’s Day 2022

#BreakTheBias is this year’s theme for International Women’s Day.    March 8 is International Women’s Day. At Legal Aid Alberta, we’re celebrating the incredible contributions and leadership of women in the legal profession. We recognize that we are all responsible for breaking the bias in our personal and professional communities in favour of inclusive and […]

Criminal Trial Group is taking on Alberta’s most complex client cases 

 A Legal Aid Alberta Criminal Trial Group marking its first year of operations has been in court defending youth and adults who have changed lawyers multiple times and are facing extraordinarily challenging personal issues such as mental health, addiction, and housing.    “It’s not always the complexity of the legal matter itself that is challenging […]