Legal Aid Alberta lawyers are “part of the solution” at new Edmonton Indigenous Court

Indigenous courts aim to address over-representation of Indigenous people in criminal justice system Legal Aid Alberta lawyers are playing an important role representing clients in the newly established Edmonton Indigenous Court. Indigenous courts are specialized courts that focus on healing individuals impacted by the trauma of colonization practices like residential schools, the 60s […]
Mentorship, hands-on experience for Indigenous law students

Legal Aid Alberta’s Indigenous Summer Students Program “a great way to give back,” says University of Calgary law student Tayla Basawa It started with the Hollywood glamour of the legal profession for Tayla Basawa—watching shows like Legally Blonde and Suits, Tayla found inspiration in the hearts of characters like Elle Woods and Mike Ross […]
A message to roster lawyers from the LAA Board of Directors, CEO and Executive Team

Roster lawyers are integral to LAA. They are our closest partners and though we do not control the rate of pay, we remain committed to keeping the dialogue open and advocating for a solution. The Board of Directors of Legal Aid Alberta (LAA), the CEO and Executive Leadership Team, having met on September 20, […]
Legal Aid Alberta honours National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30

An opportunity to listen, learn and take action. Legal Aid Alberta is observing National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30) by providing our staff with the afternoon away from their daily work responsibilities to learn, participate in, and reflect on the role we play in reconciliation. Courts across Alberta are continuing to operate throughout […]
Legal Aid Alberta adjusting operations in response to escalating job action by criminal defence lawyers

We are focused on continuing to serve clients and to minimize service disruptions Legal Aid Alberta does not control the rate of pay for roster lawyers. This is solely in the control of the Ministry. We are adjusting operations accordingly to prioritize those who are in the most disadvantaged situations. At this time, Albertans […]
A message from the Chair of the Legal Aid Alberta Board of Directors
“Our honour to partner with the over 1,200 roster lawyers that deliver essential legal services to tens of thousands of disadvantaged Albertans every year.” Communications and Public Relations August 25, 2022 August 19, 2022 — As the Legal Aid Board Chair, on behalf of the Board and Legal Aid Alberta, it is our honour […]
Legal Aid Alberta prepares for escalating job action by criminal defence lawyers

What Albertans need to know about accessing legal aid. EDMONTON – Yesterday, Legal Aid Alberta learned through media reports that criminal defence lawyers participating in job action are planning to escalate withdrawal of legal aid services starting on September 1 and will begin refusing certain types of criminal cases. Job action by private […]
One day at a time: Legal Aid Alberta managing withdrawal of duty counsel services by contracted criminal defence lawyers

LAA is making significant efforts to support Albertans in provincial courts. EDMONTON – Right now, more than 35,000 Albertans in 75 communities are receiving legal aid assistance and demand for help never stops. People who depend on legal aid face extraordinarily difficult life circumstances such as mental health issues, past trauma and addiction. The […]
Legal Aid Alberta responds to possible withdrawal of services by some private sector roster lawyers

Legal aid support will continue to be available in provincial courts. EDMONTON — Yesterday, members of three criminal defence organizations who do legal aid work voted in favour of withdrawing provincial court duty counsel services for two weeks starting on Monday, August 8. Roster lawyers who do legal aid are not employees of Legal Aid Alberta […]
How Legal Aid Alberta lawyers navigate challenging client relationships

Tips and tricks for managing situations that involve not-so-easy-to-work-with individuals. Good communication, time management, and appropriate expectation-setting are fundamental to representing your clients effectively. With many clients, this comes easily — but occasionally, lawyers encounter situations where navigating that client relationship is particularly challenging. For more difficult client situations, Legal Aid Alberta […]