Legal Aid Alberta celebrates 28 long-service employees

Image of a trophy with team members celebrating in background, words "Long Service Milestone Awards"

Year after year, “LAA has been there” to provide access to justice   “Thank you for listening.”   These are the most gratifying words Kevin Livingstone can hear in his long and accomplished career as a family lawyer with Legal Aid Alberta (LAA).   For the past 20 years, Kevin has been on the frontlines […]

Ask a Lawyer: Women in the legal profession

Two ladies sitting together.

This Saturday, March 8, marks International Women’s Day. It is a day of unity, celebration, reflection, advocacy, and action and is celebrated in many countries worldwide. The Government of Canada’s theme for IWD 2025 is “Strength in every story”. In Alberta and most of the country, women are well-represented in the legal profession. For example: […]

Ask a Lawyer: Representing children in family court

Krista McFadyen appeared on Global New Ask a Lawyer session

In high-conflict family cases, child representation is vital   In family breakups, especially when parents are at an impasse, it is important that the voices of children are heard. Legal Aid Alberta lawyers are highly skilled in child representation. LAA staff lawyer Krista McFadyen appeared on the Global News Morning Ask A Lawyer segment to […]

Here for the kids: Legal Aid Alberta represents children in high-conflict parenting disputes

Access to Justice Week webinar on Feb. 7 will help educate Albertans on importance of child representation and children’s legal rights   During high-conflict family matters, parents and guardians are often at the forefront, leaving children vulnerable to decisions made on their behalf.  So, who protects the kids?  Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) family lawyers help preserve […]

Ask a Lawyer: Protecting Albertans’ rights at police stations, 24-7

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Imagine this scenario: After a night out, someone accepts a ride home from an acquaintance. Along the way, police pull the car over – and it turns out the vehicle was stolen. Everyone in the car is taken into custody and potentially faces serious criminal charges.   Who do you call for help?   Legal […]

Gift-wrapped for you: The 12 Months of Ask a Lawyer

Ask a Lawyer 2024

For Legal Aid Alberta staff lawyers, the season of giving lasts all year. In addition to protecting Albertans’ legal rights 24/7, our staff lawyers share their knowledge and insights on legal issues as guests on Global Edmonton’s morning news program once a month. Our lawyers bring their expertise and experience to a vast audience, providing […]

Navigating holiday travel and coparenting

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As the holiday season approaches, many families experiencing separation or divorce face important questions regarding travel with children. Co-parents must consider various legal and logistical factors whether planning a trip to Disneyland, Newfoundland, or a local holiday concert. In December, Alberta’s family courts tend to be overwhelmed with cases involving co-parenting, holiday schedules, and travel […]

Co-parenting tips for holiday harmony

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The first holiday following a separation is particularly challenging for families trying to establish co-parenting arrangements, according to Legal Aid Alberta family lawyers. Even long-separated families may face resistance from one parent, despite having a holiday plan in place. However, there are ways to reach an agreement that allows both parties to co-exist amicably.  Always […]