Ask a Lawyer: Mental Health Court and the collaborative approach to justice

Mental Health Court is a specialized court that helps Albertans dealing with criminal charges and mental illness get the support they need.     May 1-7 is Mental Health Week across Canada. It’s a time to raise awareness, spark dialogue and reduce the stigma behind mental health in communities. Part of that conversation also includes […]

Every woman counts at Legal Aid Alberta

International Women’s Day: 14 inspiring examples of LAA women standing up for access to justice    Every year on March 8, Legal Aid Alberta joins organizations and nations across the world to celebrate International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is Every Woman Counts. At LAA, we are taking time to celebrate how women in the […]

Ask a Lawyer: Youth and crime

LAA lawyer Karen McGowan joined Global News Morning Edmonton to share advice for parents on what to do when your child is at risk of breaking the law.    As a parent, it can be stressful when your child is headed in a problematic direction – even more so when they have been charged with […]

Family violence: It’s more than just physical

Legal Aid Alberta lawyer discusses the different forms of abuse and how to spot them     Family violence is an unfortunate reality for many Albertans – and it happens every single day. Awareness of what constitutes abuse is an important part of keeping victims and loved ones safe.    But the telltale signs are […]

Ask a Lawyer: Divorce and family breakdown

LAA lawyer Caitlin Zeran joined Global News Morning Edmonton to talk about the rules of child and spousal support and the common misconceptions of the divorce and separation process.    Each year, thousands of Alberta families are faced with difficult conversations around divorce and family breakdown. For those with limited resources, Legal Aid Alberta offers […]

Articling in Action: Q&As with LAA students-at-law

Meet the newest faces of access to justice. Read more on what brought them to LAA and their experiences so far.     At Legal Aid Alberta (LAA), we work hard to create an Alberta where everyone is able to understand and protect their legal rights. Students who share our values and passion will help […]

Future of access to justice: Legal Aid Alberta law student positions in high demand

At LAA, students get hands on, real-life experience and insight into the realities of what many disadvantaged Albertans encounter on a daily basis.    Highlights Law student positions are growing in demand: LAA sees increase in applications for articling student positions in Calgary and Edmonton. LAA expands opportunities available for summer work. Student programs provide hands […]

Ask a Lawyer: The spectrum of family violence

Legal Aid Alberta lawyer Scott Thurmeier explains that family violence can be defined beyond acts of physical violence    Legal Aid Alberta lawyers are known for their work in helping Albertans facing family violence — but how does one define violence in the eyes of the court? LAA lawyer Scott Thurmeier joined Global News Morning […]