Celebrate International Women’s Day 2022

#BreakTheBias is this year’s theme for International Women’s Day.    March 8 is International Women’s Day. At Legal Aid Alberta, we’re celebrating the incredible contributions and leadership of women in the legal profession. We recognize that we are all responsible for breaking the bias in our personal and professional communities in favour of inclusive and […]

Criminal Trial Group is taking on Alberta’s most complex client cases 

 A Legal Aid Alberta Criminal Trial Group marking its first year of operations has been in court defending youth and adults who have changed lawyers multiple times and are facing extraordinarily challenging personal issues such as mental health, addiction, and housing.    “It’s not always the complexity of the legal matter itself that is challenging […]

Answers to eight common questions about how legal aid works

Two women wearing face masks meet in an office.

Standing up for people’s rights is what we do. Here’s how, and why it matters.     An Alberta without legal aid would be disastrous for the justice system and society.   Families unable to escape imminent threat of violence. Children in domestic danger. Albertans unrepresented and confused in court. People with limited financial means […]

Courts and COVID-19: What Albertans need to know

Ask A Lawyer Courts and COVID-19: What Albertans need to know

As the pandemic threatens to push our health care system to the brink, other essential sectors are also being stretched beyond their normal limits – including the justice system. Staff shortages and temporary closures of courts in Alberta due to COVID are causing a growing backlog of legal cases in all areas of law.   […]

Extended court restrictions: Q&A for legal aid clients and Albertans

Legal Aid Alberta is continuing to work closely with the judiciary to navigate this difficult period.    In response to the increase in COVID-19 cases and specifically the spread of the Omicron variant in the province, the Provincial Court of Alberta has extended COVID-19 measures until at least February 18.   What does this mean for Legal […]

Legal Aid Alberta adopts temporary measures to support individuals in custody

Legal Aid Alberta decal on an office window.

Legal Aid Alberta has become aware that some individuals in custody have been unable to contact LAA in a timely manner due to COVID-19 safety precautions. Legal Aid Alberta has become aware that some individuals in custody have been unable to contact LAA in a timely manner to apply for coverage. We understand this is […]

Seven facts about Edmonton’s Mental Health Court and how it’s changing lives

A view of downtown Edmonton peeking through pink blooming flowers

Adults charged with a criminal offence who have some indication of mental health issues can request that their matters be heard in Edmonton’s Mental Health Court. Access to mental health services has become more essential than ever. Adults charged with a criminal offence who have some indication of mental health issues can request that their […]

LAA lawyer explains how Drug Treatment Courts are making a difference

Ask A Lawyer: How Drug Treatment Courts are making a difference

Millions of people across the country struggle with addictions every day – it crosses all social boundaries. Too often, people are led to crime in order to feed their addictions. But innovative Drug Treatment Courts are making a difference, by guiding people trapped in this cycle of crime and addiction to take on the difficult […]