LAA Initiatives

Investing in innovative
solutions for Albertans

At Legal Aid Alberta, we are constantly seeking new ways to better support and serve Albertans.

Highlighted Initiatives

Client Access and Service Enhancements (CASE)

The legal needs of Albertans have always been and will continue to be the primary focus of innovation at Legal Aid Alberta. Client Access and Service Enhancements (CASE) will significantly improve the client experience and access to legal aid. This includes a seamless application process, minimizing the need for clients to explain their legal situation more than once, and ensuring all clients, especially those in rural areas, can choose their preferred lawyer without barriers.

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Client Gateway

LAA is focused on adding and enhancing access to justice for Albertans. Recognizing that not everyone can get in touch with us through the Contact Centre, LAA has found a solution that helps address this issue. The Client Gateway is a secure online portal that allows roster lawyers, LAA partners, and stakeholders to help these clients on the spot by filling out an online form in just a few minutes. The result is reduced client delays and a better experience overall.

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The Criminal Trial Group

The Criminal Trial Group (CTG) represents youth and adults with criminal charges who have previously had multiple lawyers and face complex personal challenges such as mental health concerns, addiction, and housing issues. It’s not always the complexity of the legal matter that is challenging; legal issues and personal issues often go hand in hand, increasing the complexity of any matter. The CTG advances LAA’s ability to handle full-spectrum adult and youth criminal cases, from start to finish, including appeals.

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For Clients

For Clients

To make a more accessible justice system, LAA is making it easier for Albertans to access LAA services regardless of location or technical capacity. Recent improvements include:

For Lawyers

For Lawyers

LAA is streamlining and simplifying processes to improve client service and help lawyers focus on what they do best – advocating for Albertans. Recent improvements include: