New roster lawyers to attend first ever onboarding interviews

Legal Aid Alberta is pleased to announce that we are welcoming new counsel onto our roster through a new and enhanced onboarding process.   


LAA recognizes that our onboarding process was not as fulsome as it could and should be. At the application stage, new counsel joining our roster will now be provided with information that will take steps towards ensuring a long and productive relationship between counsel and Legal Aid Alberta.    


Following the application submission, a brief interview will occur. This interview will give new counsel a chance to introduce themselves to Legal Aid Alberta and learn firsthand about our organization and its operations. At the same time, it will provide us with an opportunity to see how counsel can best meet the legal needs of disadvantaged Albertans via accurate profile information to ensure counsel are receiving appropriate offers.   


To test and refine the process, applications have been forwarded to those students-at-law who have expressed an interest in joining the roster over this past summer. 


As we roll out enhanced onboarding, we look forward to meeting members of our future roster and introducing them to our shared clients.  


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