Have your say: Looking ahead to 2024

Dear colleagues,


When I wrote to you in December it was to reflect on a busy past year for Legal Aid Alberta and the roster. Today, I invite you to join with me in looking ahead across another year that will surely be filled with new opportunities, new challenges and many, many more Albertans who will be afforded equal access to justice by our team of skilled roster lawyers.


In producing your Roster Report we strive to curate content that will be as relevant to you as possible, recognizing that your time and expertise are extremely valuable. We have a strong start to our list of content for 2024 and we seek your input as we finalize and focus our plans:


  • What content do you find most informative and valuable?
  • Are there subjects that you’d like to see us cover more deeply?
  • What challenges do you face as a roster lawyer that we can help you address?


I invite you to take a moment to provide your feedback below by Friday, January 19. The survey should only take a few minutes to complete—most questions are optional to allow your feedback to be provided quickly. Your feedback will strongly impact the content we deliver to your inbox over the coming year in your Roster Report.


To have your say, start by choosing an answer below:



With gratitude and best wishes for 2024,


Paul R. Welke

Roster Relations Liaison

[email protected]


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