Translation and Interpretation Services – 17.07 & 18.08

Do you have a matter which might require translation and interpretation services? Here are some important things to remember:


Translation and Interpretation Services do not just include spoken language translation. If you have a client who is hearing impaired and the services of an ASL interpreter is required, that also falls under section 17.17 or 18.08 of the Tariff.


17.17: Ordinary disbursement for translation and interpretation expenses where the maximum allowed is $150, or for immigration certificates only, up to $2,000.  No prior approval from Legal Aid is required.


18.08 – Special disbursement, required where the expense is over $150, or in the case of an immigration certificate, over $2,000. For a special disbursement, please submit an authorization request and be sure to include the quote from the service provider.


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