Legal Aid Alberta provides extensive coverage on matters affecting incarcerated individuals.
In recognition of Prisoners’ Justice Day on August 10, we’ve compiled a list of prison-related legal issues that LAA covers. Roster lawyers are encouraged to reference and share this information with clients who may need these services.
Parole Board Hearings
- LAA does not cover the initial parole hearing or the appeal to the Parole Board Appeal Division; however, LAA does provide certificate coverage for a judicial review application of a negative decision from the Parole Board Appeal Division provided there is merit to the application.
- LAA provides certificate coverage for parole revocation hearings at the first instance before the Parole Board of Canada.
- LAA provides certificate coverage for detainment hearings (to hold an inmate past the statutory release date) at the first instance before the Parole Board of Canada.
Dangerous Offender/Long Term Offender Matters
- LAA provides certificate coverage for hearings to have a person found a dangerous offender or long-term offender.
- LAA provides certificate coverage for applications to reduce the period of long-term supervision if there is merit to the application.
Faint Hope Clause Hearings
- LAA provides certificate coverage for applications to reduce the period of parole ineligibility under the “faint hope clause” if there is merit to the application.
Transfer and Liberty Issues
- LAA provides certificate coverage for habeas corpus applications if there is merit to the application.
- LAA provides certificate coverage for judicial review applications to oppose an involuntary prison transfer if there is merit to the application.
Institutional Charges
- LAA provides duty counsel assistance to inmates who are charged with institutional charges in provincial or federal institutions within Alberta.