Remembering those who fought for the freedoms we enjoy 

On November 11, we remember the sacrifices made by those who fought tirelessly for the rights and freedoms we enjoy today. If it weren’t for them, we would not be blessed to live under the rule of democratic law.  


Just two short weeks ago on Duty Counsel Day, Supreme Court of Canada Chief Justice Richard Wagner observed that internationally, Canada is regarded as “a judicial superpower” where everyone is protected by the same rights and treated with dignity. 


Every day, members of our Legal Aid Alberta team help build a path to justice for people who are facing extremely challenging circumstances. Some have come to Canada fleeing persecution, seeking the protections of a society supported by open, impartial and independent courts, where human rights are upheld. 


On Remembrance Day, let’s reflect on the way of life we enjoy and remember that we owe it to those who put their lives on the line and made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the principles of a free and democratic society. 

Lest we forget. 

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