A message to roster lawyers from the LAA Board of Directors, CEO and Executive Team

Roster lawyers are integral to LAA. They are our closest partners and though we do not control the rate of pay, we remain committed to keeping the dialogue open and advocating for a solution.


The Board of Directors of Legal Aid Alberta (LAA), the CEO and Executive Leadership Team, having met on September 20, 2022, ratified the following statement of principles in response to the current service disruption and recent concerns regarding the Legal Aid Governance Agreement and Legal Aid funding:

1. We continue to support the Legal Aid Governance Agreement and will continue to abide by its terms.

2. Legal Aid Alberta supports a principled increase to the tariff rate pursuant to Section 15.3 of the Governance Agreement and for the GOA to increase our budget in order to fund that increase.

3. Legal Aid Alberta supports a review and modernization of the Financial Eligibility Guidelines under Section 15.4 of the Governance Agreement.

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