We are committed to serving our clients through the ongoing period of uncertainty
Legal Aid Alberta has and will remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Though our physical offices aren’t open to the public, our staff have not stopped serving Albertans, whether it’s our client services centre, staff lawyers, or duty counsel.
We continue to work with the courts and partners to innovate and reimagine processes in order to serve Albertans and help them navigate the justice system safely during the pandemic.
Apply by phone
We are completing assessments by phone for all eligible criminal, family, and immigration matters.
During this challenging time, our Contact Centre is currently experiencing excessive call volumes and callers may experience longer wait times than usual.
Priority calling
We continue to have a priority line for individuals who are in custody so they can reach us within a few minutes for the help they need during this time.
Duty Counsel
We continue to provide legal services, including duty counsel, at courthouses across the province. Some of those services may be provided by phone or CCTV as determined by the respective courthouses.
Advance Appearance Duty Counsel
Albertans across the province can access to Advance Appearance Duty Counsel until January 31, 2021, allowing them to prepare for court by phone or e-mail up to two weeks before their court date, instead of making a trip to the courthouse in person. This is a temporary service offered by Legal Aid Alberta to serve Albertans during the pandemic.
For more information, visit the Alberta Courts website.
Support for victims of family violence
To ensure that the most vulnerable in Alberta continue to receive the support they need to protect their health and well-being during this health crisis, we have developed new and innovative ways to support victims of family violence including remote court appearances and after-hours service.
We help victims of family violence through our Emergency Protection Order Program. The program provides these individuals with information and a lawyer who can help them to obtain and confirm protection orders. This service is free of charge and there are no financial eligibility requirements.