Authorization requests on civil certificates – family
When submitting your additional hours request under tariff 15.02 (civil additional hours), please include the following information:
- What alternate dispute resolution processes have been attempted, including 4-way settlement meetings?
- What issues have been resolved?
Describe for each court application/appearance the following:
- Applicant or respondent?
- What was the relief sought? What was the outcome?
- If the matter was adjourned, why was it adjourned?
- What challenges/stumbling blocks have affected getting the file concluded within the hours provided on the certificate to date? (examples: language barriers, mental health issues, child welfare involvement, substance abuse allegations, opposing party self-represented)
Is the file in Case Management? If yes, how many Case Management meetings have there been?
- What are the outstanding issues? What are the positions of each of the parties?
- What recommendations have you suggested to the client to conclude the outstanding issues?
- Is the client’s position realistic? Is the client willing to compromise?
What stage are the proceedings at? For example, examination for discovery completed, pretrial conference scheduled, etc.
- If property division is at issue, what is the total value of the net matrimonial property available for distribution? Please provide property statement if available.
- What is your plan to move the file to resolution/conclusion?
- Is the client aware of their legal costs to date?
- Has the client approved your request for additional hours?
- If you were previously told that no more hours would be approved, what unforeseen or exceptional circumstances have arisen since the last request to justify further hours?
Additional information:
In determining how many further hours you require, please ensure that you deduct from the total hours incurred on the file the hours that fall under other tariff items.
Requests that do not contain sufficient information to justify the additional hours will not be approved. You will be asked to resubmit the request with more information.
Additional hours are not guaranteed on any certificate. Please attach time records to your request.